PCL at a Glance for June 30, 2020

Inspirational Thought: I was honored to represent our presbytery at the 224th General Assembly. This assembly was historic not only because of the first virtual platform – which was hailed as a success — but also the election of the first Indigenous woman to the office of co-moderator of the General Assembly. The election of Rev. Gregory Bentley and Elona Street-Stewart will lead our denomination for the next two years with renewed energy, intelligence, and imagination. Their passion for the church and Christ’s ministry was sensed as they spoke of their hopes for the future of the Presbyterian Church. In my opinion, they were the strongest of the two other co-moderator candidates that were up for election. The theme for this year’s assembly was “From Lament to Hope.” As spoken by the co-moderators 223rd General Assembly speakers, Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri and Cindy Kohlmann, was defined as lament, confession, restoration, and hope.

The commissioners at the assembly were encouraged, through different initiatives, that the church must find a voice during these uncertain times. The representatives were challenged as to how the church might do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God. The 224th General Assembly called attention to racism of people of color and the inequity of poverty. We were encouraged to find a voice that would mirror Christ within our midst.

Even though the General Assembly doesn’t have the authority to tell churches to accept certain missional positions, it gives us pause to rethink our mission and the vitality of our church for such a time as this.

Until we meet again, may God’s love be with you,

Pastor Dan

Birthdays for June & July
Alexander DeFilippo – Jun 30
Allen Fossett – July 2
Gabriella DeFilippo – July 5

Anniversaries for June
Pastor Dan’s Ordination – July 2 (31 years)

Come Worship with Us This Sunday!
July 5, Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
(please have the elements available)
On-line service only, starting Sunday at 10 am

This Week at PCL

  • First Thursday of every month Taizé Contemplative Prayer Service on Zoom at 8 pm, phone: 1-646-558-8656
  • Centering Prayer (noon) every Wednesday& Friday on Facebook & Zoom.
  • Bible & Bagels, Saturdays, at 8:30 am
  • If you have friends who don’t have a church home, please invite then to join our on-line worship services, Bible studies and prayer service.

Worship & Other Opportunities

Facebook & Zoom

  • Facebook:  facebook.com/The-PCL-935676843185631
  • Sunday worship; contemplative prayer, Tuesday – Friday at noon (Zoom)
  • Zoom,
    Sunday Service:
    Meeting ID: 157 482 235
    Password: 84 85 69
    Phone: 1 646 558 8656

Contemplative Prayer

Meeting ID: 729 0137 4659
Password: 84 85 69
Phone: 1 646 558 8656

Zoom Bible & Bagels

Meeting ID: 858 942 655
84 85 69
1 646 558 8656

Zoom Taizé Contemplative Prayer Service
First Thursday of every month at 8 pm.
Zoom ID: 826 6284 2267 / PW: 820 068

Tithes & Offerings
As we deal with the shelter-in-place and are unable to meet physically as a congregation, we ask you to mail your offerings to the church office.

Livingston Light Up Night
July 1, at 8 pm, on LTV

Reading the Bible with the Lectionary
June 30-July 4, 2020

Tue: Psalms 54; 146; Numbers 22:21-38; Romans 7:1-12; Matthew 21:23-32

Wed: Psalms 65; 147:1-11; Numbers 22:41-23:12; Romans 7:13-25; Matthew 21:33-46

Thu: Psalms 143; 147:12-20; Numbers 23:11-26; Romans 8:1-11; Matthew 22:1-14

Fri: Psalms 88; 148; Numbers 24:1-13; Romans 8:12-17; Matthew 22: 15-22

Sat: Psalms 122; 149; Numbers 24:12-25 Romans 8:18-25; Matthew 22:23-40

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